If you want to listen to that mess for comparison's sake you can hear it here: : End of Rain sm3581225Music & Lyrics by ShakeP / Shake SphereEnglish translation by BerrySubsCover, Mixing, & Video by Biohazard-PUST by cillia by / Danoru K. This video only shows off one of them, the other one can be seen here: sm39933800For this very special video I wanted to cover a song that I used to test the alpha version of Kikuro's first voicebank. HAPPY 5TH ANNIVERSARY TO JOHATSUN KIKURO!For Kikuro's anniversary this year I am releasing not one, but TWO new voicebanks.

Perhaps that wasn't a bad thing though, because it allowed the lyrics to form a narrative: starting off struggling with failure, but by the end of the song coming to accept failure as a part of life.Music, Lyrics, and Mixing by Biohazard-PVisuals by Silver1063 and tuning by Biohazard-PYouTube upload: © & ℗ Biohazard-P 2018-2022 For some reason, this song got put on the back burner a lot, which is why it initially took two years to complete. Now that Eleanor Forte AI is out, it seemed like it was a good time to finally put this song out into the world.The lyrics describe an emotional journey I had been on from 2018 to 2020.
I had initially "finished" it at the end of 2020, but I was purposely waiting for Eleanor's inevitable update to actually release the song.

An emotionally expressive and mildly experimental song, with lyrics inspired by the story of Cinderella.I started working on this song at the end of 2018, using the public beta of Synthesizer V and Eleanor Forte's very first public voicebank.